Thursday, May 6, 2010


Interactive whiteboards are very exciting and I can see how the students mentioned in the video on Moodle protect their classrooms Interactive White Boards intently.

The School that I am currently undertaking my Learning Management 1 work experience practical task at have an Interactive White Board in every classrooom. The teachers use it for every subject topic and the students add their ideas and answers to it as the lessons progress. The students take ownership of their classrooms IWB and therefore ownership of their learning experiences.

IWB's allow the students to upload information and share many databasis within and around other classrooms within the school. It allows for easily accessible information and multitasking skills.

Many of the children have gained confidence and self esteem by using the Interactive White Boards. They sit on the edge of their little chairs waiting for it to be their turn to stand up and use it.

As a future Learning Manager, I look forward to having one of these brilliant tools in my classroom. I look forward to seeing my students thrive in a technologically updated learning environment.

Thank you

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