Saturday, May 8, 2010

Google Earth

Google Earth is an application which I first downloaded when I bought my first Laptop 3 years ago. In the past 3 years it has changed significantly and is now more user friendly and has many more applicatioins and users to interact with.

I use Google Earth quite ofter because I find it interesting to travel without leaving the house. Many of the things on Google earth that I have found lately are landmarks under the sea.

I have never really thought about the benifits of using Google Earth in the classroom until now. The students can benfit greatly from using this application in all subject areas particulalry geography and biology.

In grade 10 - I remember having to research all of the different countries where tennis is played in SOSE. The task was to provide a map of the country and some critical statistics about how many tournaments where played there and so on and so forth. Another important of the assessment was to incoroporate statistical data about the countries population, mortality and morbidity rates, government stastics and overall health of the country. Google Earth would have been a brilliant application to use with this assessmant task.

I look forward to writing a lesson Plan for an assessment task that is similar to the one that I undertook, using Google Earth as the main way to present the researched information.

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