Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reflections on the course so far

Hi everyone

It is great to be at university, finally. In my first week everything was so overwhelming and I found myself questioning if this is the right path for me. We are now in the third week and I am so happy that I have chosen this for myself because I cant think of anything else I would rather do. With the support of my family and friends I know I can achieve my dream of being a teacher and I will.

It is challenging at times but can also be very interesting and I am finding myself asking questions about everything that I would never have thought of before.
I am enjoying the use of blogs and the concept of wikis (but am yet to set this up for myself). The content is hard to understand some of the time and I have already filled the first half of an exercise book with a glossary.

So many great people have now entered my life and I can see myself becoming lifelong colleagues and friends with these individuals. We have so many things in common and they are all a great bunch of kids.

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