Monday, March 22, 2010

E-Learning is so much fun

Hi everyone....
I am really enjoying e-learning, it is so challenging, yet entertaining. I have just spent the morning creating a delicious account for all of my bookmarks that I can access at uni and at home. I have also made an Avatar, set up my Mahara and researched ideas for my e-portfolio. I have so many usernames and passwords in my head it is about to explode!!!!
I didnt even know about all of these wonderful opportunities for communication before I started e-learning and now I dont know how I could live without it.


  1. Hi
    I am the same. So many usernames and passwords it's crazy!
    I am also enjoying this course although it is yet another distraction to me, making my blog look pretty!!
    Keep enjoying it : )

  2. Let's hear some ideas! I think that's what we are supposed to be doing, posting ideas on where these ICT's can take us.... What uses they have.
