Tuesday, March 30, 2010

E-Learning Quiz #6

Just like to share with everyone that I just completed quiz 6 successfully and I am very proud of myself for achieving this.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My 1st Voki Avatar

The week before Easter

Hello everyone
Wow, its the 5th week already and I feel as if everything is going well. Although I am working 35 hrs this week for vacation care I feel as if I will have enough time to complete all required tasks for this week before our holidays.
How is everyone else going?

Monday, March 22, 2010

E-Learning is so much fun

Hi everyone....
I am really enjoying e-learning, it is so challenging, yet entertaining. I have just spent the morning creating a delicious account for all of my bookmarks that I can access at uni and at home. I have also made an Avatar, set up my Mahara and researched ideas for my e-portfolio. I have so many usernames and passwords in my head it is about to explode!!!!
I didnt even know about all of these wonderful opportunities for communication before I started e-learning and now I dont know how I could live without it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Children with additional needs

There was an article in the course content so far that rather disturbed me as an educator.

Everyday I hear and see the challenges children face trying to fit in with people, trying to find their place in society and accepting the challenges of making friendships and positive interactions with other children.

To hear that alot of people disagree with the public education system funding private schooling for children with additional needs is absolutely attrocious and it sickened me. As it is, children with additional needs face not only the challenges mentioned above but also the challenge of a disability that impact on their capability to learn as normal. All children are capable of learning we just need to help these children reach their potential by finding out how they learn and if their education needs to come from a private school where there are better resources and less students - so be it!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reflections on the course so far

Hi everyone

It is great to be at university, finally. In my first week everything was so overwhelming and I found myself questioning if this is the right path for me. We are now in the third week and I am so happy that I have chosen this for myself because I cant think of anything else I would rather do. With the support of my family and friends I know I can achieve my dream of being a teacher and I will.

It is challenging at times but can also be very interesting and I am finding myself asking questions about everything that I would never have thought of before.
I am enjoying the use of blogs and the concept of wikis (but am yet to set this up for myself). The content is hard to understand some of the time and I have already filled the first half of an exercise book with a glossary.

So many great people have now entered my life and I can see myself becoming lifelong colleagues and friends with these individuals. We have so many things in common and they are all a great bunch of kids.